Introduction To Risk Management

Open to anyone who would like to understand the essential terminologies, categories of risks, and risk management approaches and tools which they can apply to their organizations.
Risk management is essential for the success of any organization. With sound knowledge of the theories, principles and practices of the discipline of risk management, organizations will be able to effectively identify, assess and manage problems. The course provides a solid overview of the entire risk management process including how to identify risk, introduction to risk analysis and how to respond to risk. This course also introduces higher levels of risk management maturity such as Enterprise Risk Management.
Successful organizations take risks to stay competitive and relevant in the industry in which they are situated, and more than ever they need people with the requisite competencies to manage those risks. This course introduces an understanding of the skill sets and practices required for assessing and managing risks.
- Introduction to the field of Risk Management
- The Risk Management Framework
- The Risk Management Plan (RMP)
- Risk Identification
- Risk Analysis
- Risk Responses and Controls
- Introduction to Risk Frameworks – ISO 31000
- Application of the Framework
This course requires a minimum group size to commence and will be scheduled once that number has been met.
This course runs for 18 hours.
When we run this course for a private client it can be facilitated in as many or as few hours per week/month as the customer requires.
To register for this course, please Click Here.
This course is managed by a Programme Manager who can be contacted to gain further information regarding the course details and the schedule of upcoming classes. Please feel free to contact:
Ms. Amelia Oodit
Phone: +592 22 65781 X 124
This course costs GUY $36,000.
Successful learners will be awarded an ABMA certificate of completion. ABMA is an Awarding Organization based in the UK offering OFQUAL Regulated and Professional qualification in the UK and Internationally
ABMA Education is a UK Government Ofqual-recognised awarding organisation that creates qualifications and other educational products that develop individuals into capable, professional and talented assets. As an organisation, ABMA Education prides itself on offering unmatched support and value in the creation of content for Governments and organisations and provides large support resources and dedicated members of staff to guide individuals through a content validity strategy that ultimately results in a course of study that is robust, trusted, and constantly evolved to ensure relevancy.