Pamela O’Toole


Pamela O’Toole is one of the two founding Directors at Nations whose idea to open a school of excellence began in 1996 after a visit to a wonderful Baha’i school in Lome, in Togo. That school was an oasis of peace and unity in a bustling, chaotic and disunited city. Mrs. O’Toole is the glue that holds Nations together. For over 45 years Pamela has lived in Guyana and has since become a Guyanese citizen.

In 2024, Pamela received an award for being one of twenty-five Influential Women in Guyana. Those of us who know of her dedication, hard work and continual support of others know that she is one of the shining stars at Nations.

Years at Nations: From day 1 (28 years ago)
Title: Founder/Director
Education: Teacher training Degree
Masters in Education at Manchester University


What about education excites you?

I am very excited that education allows opportunities to help shape young minds and develop the children’s inherent capabilities to the fullest potential; and to encourage empowerment, unity and an appreciation of diversity. Being a student here means belonging to the Nations Family where we work together in a spirit of cooperation, unity and togetherness.

What comes to mind when you think about Nations? 

I am excited that we see students entering the school with greater skills than those previously due to exposure to educational apps and programmes allowing us to offer accelerated reading and mathematics instruction resulting in a high proportion of the preschool students being fluent readers.
I love being surrounded by dynamic young people, truly creative staff and supportive parents, coming to work each day is a pleasure. When I think of Nations the first thing that comes to mind is smiling faces – the joy of success, achievement, being in a supportive and loving environment, feeling loved and valued.
I think in addition to academic excellence, moral rectitude is an extremely important virtue to develop. I believe when children excel academically and have a good moral underpinning the result is “light upon light”.

What is one of your best Nations memories?

My fondest moments and memories are when students spontaneously say, “I love this school!”

How do you spend your free time? 

In my free time I enjoy beautifying the compound at Nations and working to make the environment supportive of the learning experience. I am friendly, positive and seek unity in all situations.

What was the last book you read?

The last book I read was “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas” which moved me greatly.

What TV shows do you like?

I enjoy movies set in the early 19th and 20th centuries.

Where would you like to travel to?

Although I have been lucky to travel quite widely, I would like to travel to India.

If you had to describe Nations to someone who didn’t know anything about the School, what would you say?

When describing Nations I highlight the sense of united purpose to ensure that all children reach their fullest potential and successes are celebrated by all where competition is more on a personal level to do better each day than you did the last, rather than succeeding at the expense of others.