Alena Callender

Top Paper Award in Personnel Administration

Being the eldest of three girls, all late starters in the education system and all over achievers, it was only fitting that I would choose the best place to study.

 My family lives in Timehri in Guyana, a  stones throw away  from the  International  Airport  and my sisters and I are all involved in jobs in the aviation sector.  This is a very dynamic and changing industry and as such the need to be able to adapt quickly to new roles makes it imperative that my qualifications are versatile.

I work as the operations and service manager with Suriname Airways and having to  deal with a host of different personalities made me decide to get qualified to do so.  I chose ABE as my avenue of study primarily because of the great reviews of the programme given by former students and the difference it made in their lives, as well as the flexibility in study options and the convenience to me.

ABE is highly recognised and recommended and gives a real advantage in the world of work. I plan move on to the highest level of study offered by university.

I find the lectures were very much hands on when it comes to studying, offering assistance in whatever form was needed, the material was presented in a clear concise and well planned out in a way that really assisted the me  in being well prepared for success.

Through ABE I have gained a vast wealth of knowledge that puts issues and the entire working experience into perspective.  It sheds light on how to do better at what is required of me and to understand the inner workings of the job as a whole.  It has given me a higher level of people skills.

Lots of reading is the key to successful study.  Reading both the study manuals and making use of the other materials available to you on the website.  For those that work and study, as I do, it’s important to find that balance and keep motivated and determined to see it through.

My long term plan is to get into the field of Human Resources as there is a growing need in this region for people  management skills. It is an essential part of any successful organisation.